Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stream-of-Consciousness Sunday

I woke up much too early today.
I need coffee.
Mike turned the news on.  They are talking about the Sperminator and Maria
and the bastard child of our ex-governor.
Why are we still talking about thisSheesh!

I really needed to re-start my diet, so yesterday I downloaded an app for Android called SparkPeople.  Thank you to @ShoppingJean for talking about it in your blog this week.

SparkPeople is a diet and food tracker app which also helps with exercise,
water intake, and tracks your weigh-ins for you.
I used to use a piece of paper to write down what I ate and 
track my weight, but that was just a mess.
They also have a recipe app, which I am checking out as well.
I am not very tech-savvy, so if you would like more info
about this app,
check it out at Jean Has Been Shopping

Meanwhile, we have been rearranging our room to make room for the new puppy.
We have housemates with large dogs, so the best place for 
"Zip" to chill out is going to be our room.  

 Zip is the one at the top of the pic with brown patches on her face.
We will bring her home in three weeks.
Meanwhile, I am learning how to puppy-proof this room.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Enjoy your Sunday!
I'm off to get coffee now.

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