Monday, May 23, 2011

Kitchen Flood? Not Now, I Need My Coffee!!

Yesterday morning, we had some plumbing issues.
They were of the kitchen sink variety - not the toilet type.
Thank God!
was washing dishes in his kitchenette, causing the
downstairs kitchen sink to overflow all over the place!!!

Needless to say, the clog wasn't just the fault of that one incident,
but did that roommate offer to help?

Other than pretending that he knew anything about plumbing,
telling our frustrated landlord "what you don't wanna do is...(blah, blah, blah)",
no he did not.

And guess whose towels ended up all over the frickin' floor,
covered in gross shit???
Ours, naturally.
 I mean seriously, doesn't anyone else in this house own a friggin' towel?

So I was washing disgusting, slime-covered towels,
some of which were beautiful new bath sheets given to us at Christmas,
before I barely got a sip of coffee.
(Can you say "Ugh!")

I will say that I am grateful that Mike knows everything about everything
"Do-It-Yourself" and was rewarded handsomely for his work. 
(Lloyd Reyes, can you say Check in ta $$$??)

I finally got that coffee.

Coffee, Tea...Oh, Please "Like" Me!!

Speaking of coffee, I am giving away a $20 Starbucks Card
as soon as my Gina's Real Life Facebook Page
reaches 100 "Likes" - So head on over there and "Like" me today!.

Oh, by the way, don't tell Mike what I said about him being a D.I.Y. Wizard.
He already thinks he rules the world.
But gosh, do I appreciate him. 


  1. you keep me smiling!

  2. Ewww, I hate when that kind of stuff happens. Glad your man made it better.
